What is RAGMI | Magic RWA Tokens that turn dreams into real-ity |
Contract Address | 0x4447aB0CfD03E7554c2E1BE2A75E55AB6Cbae7fe |
Chain | Polygon, but more coming soon |
Total supply | 100B, with a B |
Reward | Value | RAGMI Points |
Anotherblock Weekend NFT | $600 | 60,000 |
Play Station Gift Card | $500 | 51,000 |
Apple Gift Card | $500 | 50,000 |
USDT Gift Card | $500 | 50,000 |
Reflections | $375 | 37,500 |
Gaming Asset | $199 | 20,000 each |
tGold | $70 | 7,000 each |
Amazon Gift Card | $25 | 2,500 each |
RWA Basket | $20 | 2,000 each |
5 USDT | $5 | 500 each |